No Greater Love

No Greater Love

"SELF LOVE" the phrase I see thrown around too often these days, especially around Valentine's Day. Still single, waiting for your other half? It's the perfect excuse to love yourself!  Is it possible that self love is not found inside ourselves at all? What if the Love our soul longs for comes from outside of us?

    I've discovered myself in love Himself, Jesus Christ.  He says I am treasured and He loves me fully despite myself.  When I was unworthy and filthy,  He took my sin and deadly consequence.  "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." John 15. That is real loveThe Creator of the universe invites you and me into the most intimate, soul satisfying relationship possible. Earthly romance pales in comparison to that depth of belonging. 

    “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart ALL of your soul ALL of your mind & ALL your strength.” Matt. 22

    Being single is a blessing. If you're young or less experienced like me, 1 Timothy 4 encourages us "let no one despise you for your youth, but set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity." I am far from perfect, but I'll forever stand on the Lord's promises to press, prune, and purify me.

    DO NOT SETTLE - Jesus has the best for you and me! - Let's not be distracted with fleeting “loves” that don’t satisfy...or robbing ourselves and perhaps our future spouse of God’s best.

    DO NOT SQUANDER. Time is something we can’t take back. Let us get busy being our best every day! Work hard, practice soul care, pour into relationships, take risks, forgive, welcome adversity, maximize your single years. Life is short & eternity is long. God's Word & people are all we can take with us. 

    Revelation 19 beautifully illustrates the unity between Christ and His bride (the church) beautifully dressed in linen and purity and righteousness... coming to the realization that I am the bride of Christ brings a whole new contentedness to being a single woman. I am fully complete without an earthly husband! 1 Corinthians 7 clearly describes God's commands for marriage and singleness. Both are great and valuable seasons filled with purpose.... Yet I can't help but to point out some very compelling truths : "the unmarried woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and Spirit... free to practice undivided devotion to God. To the unmarried, it is good for them to remain single..."

    That’s a pretty steep command… What a profound mystery God's conception of marriage is - I am still uncovering its depth with excitement and awe. “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church + gave Himself up for her." Eph. 5. How could someone ever love me as much as Jesus does? If God intends for me to have the gift of marriage here on Earth, my husband must be illuminating my life by leading me to Christ & accelerating mission & kingdom work alongside me. I want someone who is so passionately in love with the Lord and pursuing the things of eternity just like me. There's simply no other reason for which I would settle when living life with Jesus is so sweet and fruitful!

    Thank you for reading thus far and opening your heart to what God has placed me here to testify to. I pray in Jesus name that you feel love & passion from my heart, but most importantly, a glimpse into the unparalleled sacrificial love the Jesus has for us. ❤️ Join me in welcoming another fruitful season marked by true love.

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    Beautifully said, Miranda!! I can speak with first-hand experience that being single/not married until age 42, brought me much joy and contentment. The Lord blessed me throughout my single years. You, Miranda, have a wonderful perspective on what is most important, living your life for Jesus and proclaiming his name in all aspects of your life. I love you and am so proud of you!!! XOXO

    Michele Ekstrom

    Well said.
    Don’t settle or squander!

    Jennefer Lenchner

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